
What can we do to take the interests of Future Generations into account?

dinsdag 21 mei 2024 , 13:00 - 18:00 uur

What can we do to take the interests of Future Generations into account?

Part of the IAS series Future Generations
Humanity stands on the shoulders of its ancestors. Our world, our societies, democracies, cities, bodies and minds have been formed by the generations before us. Just like the generations before us have shaped the world we live in; we are shaping the world future generations will live in. The choices we make today shape the future for both people and planet. Inspired by the 2023 UN Principles on Future Generations, we initiated a series of conversations to talk about our responsibilities towards Future Generations. In line with the University of Amsterdam’s current Strategic Plan Inspiring Generations, we intend to nurture a joint sense of mission and inspiration across and beyond disciplines and take intergenerational justice and solidarity seriously.

In the Academic Year 2023/2024, we have launched the Future Generations series on November 7th with an event which brings together scientists, policy makers and societal organisations. The theme of this event was revolving around WHY we need to think about future generations. On February 6th we hosted a second event, focussed on HOW we think about future generations, mainly focussed on intergenerational justice and deep democracy.

We will have one more event bringing together scientists, policy makers and societal organisations. In this third event we will focus on  WHAT we can do to take the interests of future generations into account. 

We will address the question of ‘What can we do to take the interests of Future Generations into account?’ and assess what we can do on different levels.

What can we do on a personal level?
What can we do on a local level? (within our organisation)
What can we do on a national level? (policy and legislation)
What can we do on an international level?
What should the UN Declaration on Future Generations include in order for it to have a meaningful impact?

13:00 Walk-in (no lunch)

Prof. Tessa Roseboom and Prof. Huub Dijstelbloem

Future Design
Dr. Victor Toom (Scientific Council for Government Policy Advice)
Dr. Marij Swinkels (Utrecht University)
Olivier de Vette (Future Design Researcher)

Long Term Think Tank
Maarten Gehem (Argumentation Factory)


Change the World with an Artist Mindset
Merlijn Twaalfhoven (The Turn Club)

Panel Discussion
Prof. dr. Andre Nollkaemper (University of Amsterdam)
Prof. dr. Tamara Metze (Delft University)
Dr. Noortje Thijssen (Senator GroenLinks-PvdA)

Closing remarks



Allard Pierson, Oude Turfmarkt 127-129, 1012 GCAmsterdam
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